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Honestly a great surprise! Well written, dark and deep, with very nicely done twists!


Amazing game. Remember to unionize at your workplace and negotiate fair pay, as well as fair conditions for work. Grind culture is fake and made up by capitalists to exploit you


This was so bleak, but I loved playing it. Thanks so much for sharing.


Oh gosh so well done, this made me so frustrated and sad. I love the interface and the timing of the text fade in. My one request is that you might make the purple before hover a bit more contrasty, its a bit hard to read for low vision users (who still need to buy a phone charger)

Loved this!


This made me very angry in a "this game did its job too well" kind of way.  And I don't think that cable is going to get here before my phone dies. >:(


I absolutely loved it. The idea of sifting through AI garbage in a search engine is chilling, because I can absolutely see that happening (read an article headline this morning saying that OpenAI is developing their own search engine...).